Today, 12 years after the meeting where AppStream was first discussed and 11 years after I released a prototype implementation I am excited to announce AppStream 1.0! Check it out on GitHub, or get the release tarball or read the documentation or release notes!
Some nostalgic memories I was not in the original […]
Tag: devel
All about development stuff.
New things in AppStream 0.15
On the road to AppStream 1.0, a lot of items from the long todo list have been done so far – only one major feature is remaining, external release descriptions, which is a tricky one to implement and specify. For AppStream 1.0 it needs to be present or be rejected though, as it would be […]
A big AppStream status update
It has been a while since the last AppStream-related post (or any post for that matter) on this blog, but of course development didn’t stand still all this time. Quite the opposite – it was just me writing less about it, which actually is a problem as some of the new features are much less […]
A perfect Debian-based distribution?
Disclaimer: This post just sums up a concept for a new distribution which matches certain ideals. It is not the announcement of a new distribution. These are just abstract ideas. (However, if there is high interest in a project like this, it might of course develop into something real…) I have been involved in Debian […]
Nicht ganz so kleines Statusupdate
Nach langer Zeit ohne (deutsche) Blogbeiträge, hier mal ein kleines Statusupdate über die Dinge, die ich momentan so mache oder wichtig finde. Suche nach Daniel Letzten Monat wollte der KDE und Freedesktop-Entwickler Daniel Nicoletti, welcher ein Freund von mir ist mit dem ich sehr lange an PackageKit, Apper und verwandten Dingen arbeite, von Brasilien aus […]
Many awesome new releases have been made this week so far! PackageKit 0.8.4 The new PackageKit features lots of bugfixes and small improvements. It also contains a few new features, like showing PolicyKit dialogs on the command-line, even if no GUI is running. If you want to try the new PackageKit and are a Debian […]
Summer of Code beendet
Der Google Summer of Code ist beendet. Die Zeit – vor allem kurz vor der Deadline – war super intensiv und ich habe noch nie mehr für ein OpenSource-Projekt innerhalb einer so kurzen Zeit getan wie im SoC, insofern ein großes Dankeschön an Google, dass sie mich gesponsert haben und das Ganze überhaupt möglich gemacht […]
Listaller Project – To infinity and beyond!
Nearly everyone who’s reading this blog will know about Listaller, a project started by me to make cross-distro 3rd-party software installations possible & secure. This project has been started years ago, and lots of things have changed in the Linux desktop world and down the stack, so I think it is time to look back […]
How to enable Software Center support on your distribution
Hi! My SoC project is nearly finished now, which unfortunately doesn’t mean that we will have a completely usable Software Center on all distributions – but the most difficult steps are done, all specification issues solved and I talked to many people from other distributions about the AppStream project and we made lots of progress. […]
PackageKit now parallelized!
With the most recent release of PackageKit, PackageKit 0.8.3 (published last Monday!), all my changes regarding parallelization have been merged into our master branch, which means parallelization features are now available for backends to use! Yay! The best thing about the new parallelization is that it will have an incredibly high impact on PackageKit’s speed: […]