Deploying Limba packages: Ideas & current status

The Limba project does not only have the goal to allow developers to deploy their applications directly on multiple Linux distributions while reducing duplication of shared resources, it should also make it easy for developers to build software for Limba. Limba is worth nothing without good tooling to make it fun to use. That’s why […]

AppStream/DEP-11 for everyone! (beta!)

One of the things we discussed at this year’s Akademy conference is making AppStream work on Kubuntu. On Debian-based systems, we use a YAML-based implementation of AppStream, called “DEP-11”. DEP-11 exists for historical reasons (the DEP-11 YAML format was a superset of AppStream once) and because YAML, unlike XML, is one accepted file format by […]

Limba Project: Another progress report

And once again, it’s time for another Limba blogpost πŸ™‚ Limba is a solution to install 3rd-party software on Linux, without interfering with the distribution’s native package manager. It can be useful to try out different software versions, use newer software on a stable OS release or simply to obtain software which does not yet […]

AppStream 0.8 released!

Yesterday I released version 0.8 of AppStream, the cross-distribution standard for software metadata, that is currently used by GNOME-Software, Muon and Apper in to display rich metadata about applications and other software components. Β What’s new? The new release contains some tweaks on AppStreams documentation, and extends the specification with a few more tags and refinements. […]

AppStream/DEP-11 Debian progress

There hasn’t been a progress-report on DEP-11 for some time, but that doesn’t mean there was no work going on on it. DEP-11 is Debian’s implementation of AppStream, as well as an effort to enhance the metadata available about software in Debian. While initially, AppStream was only about applications, DEP-11 was designed with a larger […]

Tanglu 2 (Bartholomea annulata) status update #1

It is time for a new Tanglu update, which has been overdue for a long time now! Many things happened in Tanglu development, so here is just a short overview of what was done in the past months. Infrastructure Debile The whole Tanglu distribution is now built with Debile, replacing Jenkins, which was difficult to […]

AppStream 0.6.1 released – a quick look at what you can do with the cli tool

Today I released AppStream and libappstream 0.6.1, which feature mostly bugfixes, so nothing incredibly exciting to see there (but this also means no API/ABI breaks). The release clarifies some paragraphs in the spec which people found confusing, and fixes a few issues (like one example in the docs not being valid AppStream metadata). As only […]

Appstream: The next step

With the release of GNOME-Software 3.12, it’s also time for another update about what is going on behind the scenes of Appstream, the project providing all the data needed to make software-centers work. So here is the long overdue update πŸ™‚ If you have attended my FOSDEM talk or seen the slides, you know about […]

Tanglu Beta2 now available!

While writing this post, I recognize that we might need a news-blog for Tanglu πŸ™‚ Since yesterday, we have an (installable!) Beta2 release of Tanglu! Compared to the previous snapshot, it comes with a huge amount of improvements and bugfixes: The systemd journal is now used for logging exclusively. You can install rsyslog to get […]

AppStream Clarifications

While reading stuff posted by others about AppStream, and because of the discussion happening about AppData on kde-core-devel right now, I feel the need to clarify a few things. Especially because some are implementing AppStream in a way which is not really ideal right now. This is to some extend my fault, because I should […]