Long time since I published the last update about Tanglu. So here is a short summary about what we did meanwhile (even if you don’t hear that much, there is lots of stuff going on!) Better QA in the archive We now use a modified version of Debian’s Britney tool to migrate packages from the […]
Author: Matthias
PackageKit, AppStream and Listaller – A status report
I was asked by some people to write a status report about the whole PK/AS/LI stuff – sorry guys that it took so much time to write it ;-). PackageKit (PackageKit is an abstraction layer for package-management systems, allowing applications to access the package-manager using simple DBus calls) PackageKit is an incredibly successful project. With […]
Paketverwaltungen: Warum ist alles so kompliziert?
(Dieser Artikel ist hauptsächlich, aber nicht ausschließlich, eine Antwort auf einen Artikel von [ENC]BladeXP’s Blog) Allgemeines Ich kann leider hier nicht alles ganz detailliert für Einsteiger erklären, da dann dieser Artikel mindestens doppelt so lang werden würde. Wenn ihr aber Fragen habt, könnt ihr die gerne in den Kommentaren stellen! Ein kurzer Hinweis am Rande: […]
Ein kurzes Update (mal wieder)
In letzter Zeit kam ja extrem wenig auf dem deutschen Teil meines Blogs. Das bedeutet aber keineswegs, dass in der Zeit nichts passiert wäre – eher im Gegenteil. Zum einen hat die Uni extrem viel Zeit in Anspruch genommen (das war absehbar, und wird auch wieder passieren…), zum Anderen gab es sehr viel in der […]
Tanglu status report
Hello everyone! I am very excited to report about the awesome progress we made with Tanglu, the new Debian-based Linux-Distribution. 🙂 First of all, some off-topic info: I don’t feel comfortable with posting too much Tanglu stuff to Planet-KDE, as this is often not KDE-related. So, in future Planet-KDE won’t get Tanglu information, unless it […]
Hi everyone! Today I make an announcement I thought I would never ever make. But things changed. Discussion about this has a long history, starting as a non-serious suggestion at DesktopSummit 2011, continued with people on IRC, but it was decided back then that it wouldn’t be worth the effort. This has changed too, and […]
A perfect Debian-based distribution?
Disclaimer: This post just sums up a concept for a new distribution which matches certain ideals. It is not the announcement of a new distribution. These are just abstract ideas. (However, if there is high interest in a project like this, it might of course develop into something real…) I have been involved in Debian […]
Listaller, AppStream & “GNOME-Apps”
I think many of you read the recent announcements and blog posts about “GNOME-Apps”, like this one. Initially I wanted to be at FOSDEM and attend the GNOME hackfest were this was discussed too, but university binds me here so I was unable to come (which is really unfortunate). Some people asked me what the […]
Nicht ganz so kleines Statusupdate
Nach langer Zeit ohne (deutsche) Blogbeiträge, hier mal ein kleines Statusupdate über die Dinge, die ich momentan so mache oder wichtig finde. Suche nach Daniel Letzten Monat wollte der KDE und Freedesktop-Entwickler Daniel Nicoletti, welcher ein Freund von mir ist mit dem ich sehr lange an PackageKit, Apper und verwandten Dingen arbeite, von Brasilien aus […]
Where is Daniel Nicoletti?
Hello! This blogpost is personal and not technology-related at all, but I would appreciate it if you would read it anyway, in this case. Generally, I don’t like sending off-topic posts to the Planets, but this is an extreme situation and I feel it is important that you know what has happened. First of all, […]