Translated AppStream metadata for KDE!

It took some time, but now it’s finally done: KDE has translations for AppStream upstream metadata! AppStream is a Freedesktop project to extend metadata about the software projects which is available in distributions, especially regarding applications. Distributions compile a metadata file from data collected from packages, .desktop files and possibly other information sources, and create […]

AppStream 0.6.1 released – a quick look at what you can do with the cli tool

Today I released AppStream and libappstream 0.6.1, which feature mostly bugfixes, so nothing incredibly exciting to see there (but this also means no API/ABI breaks). The release clarifies some paragraphs in the spec which people found confusing, and fixes a few issues (like one example in the docs not being valid AppStream metadata). As only […]

Appstream: The next step

With the release of GNOME-Software 3.12, it’s also time for another update about what is going on behind the scenes of Appstream, the project providing all the data needed to make software-centers work. So here is the long overdue update 🙂 If you have attended my FOSDEM talk or seen the slides, you know about […]

AppStream/Listaller FOSDEM slides

FOSDEM is over, and it has been a great time! I talked to many people (thanks to full devrooms 😉 Graph Databases and Config management was crazy, JavaScript as well…) and there might be some cool new things to come soon, which we discussed there 🙂 I also got some good and positive feedback on […]

Next stop: FOSDEM’14

After years of missing this conference, I will finally make it to Brussels this time! I will even have some talks, one about Listaller (in the lightning-talks section) and one about AppStream and Listaller in the Distributions track. The lightning-talk will explain why distributing (some) applications independent from the distribution makes sense, and how Listaller […]

Tanglu Beta2 now available!

While writing this post, I recognize that we might need a news-blog for Tanglu 🙂 Since yesterday, we have an (installable!) Beta2 release of Tanglu! Compared to the previous snapshot, it comes with a huge amount of improvements and bugfixes: The systemd journal is now used for logging exclusively. You can install rsyslog to get […]

AppStream Clarifications

While reading stuff posted by others about AppStream, and because of the discussion happening about AppData on kde-core-devel right now, I feel the need to clarify a few things. Especially because some are implementing AppStream in a way which is not really ideal right now. This is to some extend my fault, because I should […]

PackageKit, AppStream and Listaller – A status report

I was asked by some people to write a status report about the whole PK/AS/LI stuff – sorry guys that it took so much time to write it ;-). PackageKit (PackageKit is an abstraction layer for package-management systems, allowing applications to access the package-manager using simple DBus calls) PackageKit is an incredibly successful project. With […]

Tanglu status report

Hello everyone! I am very excited to report about the awesome progress we made with Tanglu, the new Debian-based Linux-Distribution. 🙂 First of all, some off-topic info: I don’t feel comfortable with posting too much Tanglu stuff to Planet-KDE, as this is often not KDE-related. So, in future Planet-KDE won’t get Tanglu information, unless it […]